Reflections on Sovereignty

Sovereignty comes when you inhabit yourself and it has a spacial correlate. You are inside your own skin. Your boundaries are intact. You find your ground and you dare to stand tall. You take up space...
— Camille Maurine, Meditation Secrets for Women

“You are connected to your inner roots and can stretch out wide and high.  You stand in your power and take your place in life. 

Sovereignty means “not owned by anyone”.  In meditation and yoga, sovereignty means owning and being loyal to your own experience.  You give priority to the needs of your inner life.  It means that you trust your instincts.  You give yourself permission to find what works for you and to discard notions that seem alien to you.  Your inner authority determines the techniques you need each day.  You take a supportive attitude to yourself and accept whatever comes up.  You celebrate what an individual you are.  You don’t make yourself wrong for being different from someone else or from some generic mould. You learn from your longings and desires.  You check things out from your own frame of reference.  You take things from the outside with a grain of salt.  You know that power resides within and that initiation comes from nowhere other than your own soul.”